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Tourism Event Guidelines


Indicated below are the proposed content outline and the required data sets that must be included in the bid book for all nominated on the Best Tourism Event:


1.1 Filled Out Bid/Nomination Form
1.2 Background
1.3 Objectives of the Event/Project
Signify in detail the success indicators of of the Project / Event, namely the desired OUTPUTS and intended OUTCOMES
1.4 Description of the Project and the characterization of its rootedness and/or uniqueness as well as on its
relevance to the community or society


2.1 Description of the venue
2.2 Description of activities
2.3 Profile of participants
2.4 Profile of trainors/facilitators/speakers/ judges (if applicable)
2.5 Profile of Beneficiaries: Audience/community/ participants
2.6 Description of the nature and extent of the informed involvement, massive participation and expanded cooperation of key players and other stakeholders
2.7 Highlights of the Feedback from participants/ beneficiaries/ public


3.1 Achievement Desired Outputs of the Event/Projects

• What are the desired Outputs that were achieved and describe the corresponding indicators?
Provide concrete proof or evidences of the achievements of the Outputs.
• What were the observable variances between the planned and the actual achieved Outputs?
• What were the un-intended positive Outputs, if any, that were generated in the implementation of the event?
• What were the Innovations employed in the design, components and execution of the event?
• How would you rate the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the management and basis for such rating?
• Provide a summary of the issues/concerns that were raised and/or encountered
• What were the highlights of the recommendations vis-a-vis the issues/concerns?

3.2 Continuity and Sustainability of the Event / Project

• Provide the highlights on the assessment of the organizers/participants on the Project / Event / Activity
• Present a summary of the strengths and weakness as well as opportunities and threats that contextualize the implemented Project, Event and/or Activity
• How is the current nominated Tourism Event differ or builds-up from the previous years
• What are the strategies and mechanisms that were in-place for continuity and sustainability

3.3 Summary of Achieved Outcomes and Indicative Impacts

(Provide evidences on positive socio-cultural, economic and/or environmental impacts --- the ability of the event to significantly affect in the raising of community socio-cultural awareness and in improving people’s lives and livelihoods.)

• Description and evidences of the realized Short Term Benefits
• Description and evidences of the indicative Long Term Benefits
• Impact Judgment (based on the planned and the current indicative achievement of impacts)
• Contributions and/or Impacts to the Community, target beneficiaries/ sectors/groups
• Has the Event contributed in building-up the organizational knowledge of ATOP?
• Has the Event been considered a proven “model” that is desirable and affordable to be replicated in other contexts or areas? Why is it considered a “model of best practice” and how can it be replicated?

3.4 Recommendations for the future

Cite the immediate and/or medium-term recommendations that were raised during the evaluation / assessment of the Event?
What are the main lessons learnt after the implementation of the Event / Project?
How would the lessons help in shaping the conduct of similar events in the future?
Please state how the Event can be replicated by other LGUs.


4.1 Pictures with labels
4.2 List of participants
4.3 List of facilitators/ judges/guests and resume (if applicable)
4.4 Workshop outputs (if any)
4.5 Copy of program/souvenir (if any)
4.6 Copy of press releases; write ups on local papers, etc.
4.7 Other documentation on the evidences of Outputs, Outcomes and Impacts
4.8 Highlights of the findings of Audience Development / degree of appreciation (if any)
4.9 Summary of the Narrative Report, if any.


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