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WTO Paper on Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Travel and Tourism under
Pandemic Conditions
Review and Preparation Exercise

UNWTO Headquarters, Madrid, Spain
26-27 August 2009

Copyright © 2009 World Tourism Organization
Calle Capitán Haya, 42
28020 Madrid, Spain

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions – Review and Preparation Exercise

ISBN: 978–92-844-1331-7

Published and printed by the World Tourism Organization, Madrid, Spain
First printing 2009
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ....................................................................................................... iii

Acknowledgements .................................................................................................... v

Aim of Exercise ........................................................................................................... 1

Opening Session ......................................................................................................... 3

Roundtables ................................................................................................................ 7

First Roundtable Session ......................................................................................... 7

Second Roundtable Session .................................................................................... 11
Third Roundtable Session ........................................................................................ 15

Conclusions and Recommendations ....................................................................... 17

Presentations ............................................................................................................. 19

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 – Today and Tomorrow
Dr. Guénaël Rodier,
Director, International Health Regulations Coordination, WHO ......................... 19

The Employment Perspective
Mr. Donato Kiniger-Passigli,

Senior Specialist, Strategic Partnerships and Crisis Response Coordination,
ILO .................................................................................................................. 45

Economic Impact Scenarios of the Pandemic (H1N1) 2009
Ms. Nancy Cockerell,
Policy Advisor, WTTC ...................................................................................... 57

Communication Challenges: How to Keep the Balance Between Warning
and Assuring Messages?
Dr. Gaya Gamhewage,
Team Leader, Corporate Communications, WHO ............................................ 65

Conference Programme ............................................................................................ 83

List of Participants ..................................................................................................... 85

Table of Contents

© 2009 World Tourism Organization – ISBN 978-92-844-1331-7

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions


Annex 1 Background Information and Key Terms ............................................... 91
Annex 2 Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Manufacturing Process and
Timeline Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 .......................................................... 95
Annex 3 Pandemic (H1N1) 2009: Timeline of Major Developments .................... 97
Annex 4 Responsible Travel - Second TERN Message ...................................... 99


The World Tourism Organization wishes to express its deepest gratitude to the participants
and presenters who took part in this exercise for their valuable contributions, which will
undoubtedly be of great interest to the different readers from the private and public sectors all
around the world.

We also wish to thank the following persons for their contribution to the organization of the
exercise and the preparation of this publication:

Dr. Dirk Glaesser (Chief, Risk and Crisis Management), Ms. Sandra Carvao (Deputy Chief,
Market Trends, Competitiveness and Trade in Tourism), Ms. Marina Diotallevi (Chief, Cultural,
Social and Ethical Aspects of Tourism), Ms. Zoritsa Urosevic (Executive Secretary, Business
Council), Ms. Anud Abbassi, Ms. Lorna Hartantyo, Ms. Ana Ilic, Dr. Monica Li, Ms. Krystel
Obaña from the Risk and Crisis Management Section, and Ms. Cora-Fee Dahmen, Ms. Katharina
Holzfuss, Ms. Hannah Wirtz from the Publications Department.


Aim of Exercise

In view of the current pandemic (H1N1) 2009, the World Tourism Organization hosted a two-
day workshop on the 26-27 August 2009 on Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions at
UNWTO’s headquarters in Madrid.

Since the outbreak of the influenza virus in April, the travel and tourism sector has been
extremely challenged. Fortunately, the mild character of the virus in most countries has caused
only limited impact on the sector. However, an influenza pandemic is likely to span the entire
planet and last for several months, with possible recurrence known as ‘waves’ within a year of
the start of the pandemic.

The event was convened to best anticipate the challenges of the next months and to adjust
the preparations of the travel and tourism sector. The workshop primarily aimed at the regions
of Africa, Europe and the Middle East and gathered representatives of the tourism sector of
Member States, Influenza Focal Points, Tourism Emergency Response Network (TERN) and
International Organizations.

The workshop was designed in an interactive way to identify and discuss the following:

The rapidly changing situation of the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 and the further spread

pattern of the virus in the months to come, including pandemic risk factors, virus severity

and vaccine access.

Key challenges for the travel and tourism sector in response to the pandemic, including

targeted communications, balance of information between warning and assurance, and

cross-sectorial cooperation.

Further repercussion of the pandemic on the travel and tourism sector as the situation
evolves, including issues such as absenteeism, travel behaviour and state actions.

Strategies to help limit the negative impacts on the travel and tourism sector and lessons
learned since the onset of the pandemic.

Aim of Exercise

Opening Session

Opening Remarks

Dr. Taleb Rifai

UNWTO Secretary-General a.i.

UNWTO Secretary-General a.i., Dr.
Taleb Rifai, launched the workshop
by welcoming all the participants and
by explaining the significance of this
pandemic to the travel and tourism sector.
Unlike the pandemics of 1918, 1957 and
1968, tourism nowadays is a widespread
activity that plays an unprecedented role
in the economies of many countries.
Perceptions of uncertainty and fear that
surround a virus might have a detrimental
effect on tourism, as well as absenteeism
and its consequences on such a labour-
intensive sector.

The Secretary-General a.i. explained the
objectives of this review and preparation
exercise that revolved around identifying gaps, exchanging best experiences and correcting
assumptions to better prepare for the next waves. He also thanked the experts who intervened
with presentations at the event.

Dr. David Nabarro – United Nations System Coordinator (UNSIC)

Dr. Guénaël Rodier – Director, International Health Regulations Coordination, World
Health Organization (WHO)

Mr. Donato Kiniger-Passigli – Senior Specialist, Strategic Partnerships and Crisis Response
Coordination, International Labour Organization (ILO)

Ms. Nancy Cockerell, Policy Advisor, World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)

Dr. Gaya Gamhewage, Team Leader, Corporate Communications, World Health
Organization (WHO)

Opening SessionFrom right to left: Dr. Guénaël Rodier, Director,
International Health Regulations Coordination,
WHO; Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General a.i., UNWTO;
Prof. Geoffrey Lipman, Assistant Secretary-General,
UNWTO and Dr. Dirk Glaesser, Chief, Risk and Crisis
Management, UNWTO.

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The UNSIC – Perspective

Dr. David Nabarro
UN System Influenza Coordinator via video address

The United Nations System Influenza
Coordinator (UNSIC) Dr. David Nabarro
addressed the participants through a
video address. Dr. Nabarro explained
that despite the low mortality rate that
characterized the virus so far, especially
in developed countries, there are some
high risk groups. As the virus spreads into
the southern hemisphere, he stressed the
importance of protecting the populations
of underdeveloped countries.

The virus is expected to return to the
northern hemisphere with the beginning
of the autumn season with a worsening of
the degree of infection. He commended
the preparedness work done by international organizations, built on the experiences of other
infectious diseases such as SARS, and explained that being ready means being prepared for a
worst-case scenario.

Although WHO has set the standards for the work of other organizations, he emphasized that
all organizations are interrelated and should work together as a joint movement. Dr. Nabarro
stressed the importance of looking beyond the health sector to deal with issues relating to
unjustified panic and fear. He pointed out that communications, in the form of consistent
messages with accurate and reliable information, is therefore vital and that it is now the time
to correct assumptions and work on gaps. Dr. Nabarro cautioned that we have only seen the
beginning of the pandemic and that coordinated work should continue in order to face the
coming challenges.

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic
(H1N1) 2009 – Today and Tomorrow

Dr. Guénaël Rodier

Director, International Health Regulations Coordination, WHO

Dr. Guenael Rodier (WHO) provided a full overview of the current situation in relation to
the emergence of the virus and its overall epidemiology, the disease outcome, vulnerability
in Africa and other Least Developed Countries (LCD’s), vaccine production, the International
Health Regulations (IHR) and the future’s uncertainty. For the full presentation see pp. 19-43.

From left to right: Ms. Nancy Cockerell, Policy Advisor,
WTTC; Dr. Gaya Gamhewage, Team Leader, Corporate
Communications, WHO and Mr. Donato Kiniger-
Passigli, Senior Specialist, Strategic Partnerships and
Crisis Response Coordination, ILO.

Travel and Tourism in Perspective

Prof. Geoffrey Lipman

Assistant Secretary-General, UNWTO

Assistant Secretary-General Prof. Geoffrey Lipman brought in the tourism dimension, which is
of high visibility, into the picture. He explained the history of the Risk and Crisis Management
section at UNWTO, which was formed after the tsunami of 2004, and the relationship it has
been building gradually with UNSIC and WHO.

Prof. Lipman indicated that although this pandemic is strictly a health matter, the Travel and
Tourism Industry can play an important role within the overall coordination work to guarantee
a common thinking. He presented the Tourism Emergency Response Network (TERN) as a
network of networks and the role it plays in providing a consistent and coherent baseline
message from the industry.

As he explained, the purpose of this exercise was to reassess our preparedness work, as it was
done so far for a very different scenario, and to reinvigorate ourselves by sharing the results
among Member States and TERN members and to learn from them.

Framework and Goals of the Exercise

Dr. Dirk Glaesser

Chief, Risk and Crisis Management, UNWTO

Dr. Dirk Glaesser explained the framework and goals of the exercise and stressed the importance
of understanding the assumptions of other relevant stakeholders for the next months of the

While most of the activities of the
first wave highly benefitted from the
preparation work that was undertaken for
a possible H5N1 pandemic, the different
fundamentals of the current pandemic
make it necessary to properly prepare
against these different data. Therefore,
the set-up of the review and preparation
exercise into three different roundtables
aimed at reviewing the fundamental data
and identifying what went right and wrong
during the first wave. The participants had
first to primarily focus on the assumptions
they had for the coming wave. This was to be done in three parallel roundtables concentrating
on travel behaviour patterns, political and ethical dimension and operational challenges and
business continuity. Based on these assumptions the last session of roundtables was designed
to identify relevant and effective strategies and actions, which would help limit the impact on
the travel and tourism sector.

Participants at the plenary.
Opening Session


The participants were divided into three separate roundtables to discuss simultaneously the
experiences and lessons learned from the first wave of the pandemic, the key challenges for
the travel and tourism sector in the months to come, and the strategies and actions to help limit
the impact of this pandemic on the sector and the travellers. The discussion was brought back
to the plenary in the form of presentations of the findings of each roundtable.

First Roundtable Session


Experiences and lessons learned from the first wave.


Identifying country and sector experiences from the first wave.

Main Questions

Country experiences: How was travel and tourism affected, addressed and dealt with?

Sector experience: What are the
experiences from transportation,
accommodation, recreation and
entertainment, tour operators and
travel agents, and travel services?

What have we learned from the first

What major challenges have you
encountered? How were these
challenges addressed?

Participants at a roundtable.
Main Points

Complacency vs. overreaction


Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions


Business continuity

Rate of absenteeism

Marketing strategies

Economic slowdown

The discussions around this topic focused on the importance of messaging in dealing with this
pandemic and the need for coordination among the different organizational levels in both the
public and private sector. The fear factor was highlighted as well as the perceptions created by
sometimes unbalanced media reporting and the effects of measures taken by some countries
on travellers, such as quarantines. Existing safety guidelines and preparedness plans should be
updated to deal with the current situation.

Points raised by the participants*

Since viruses and pandemics are characterized by
uncertainty, consistent communications were identified
as essential for building confidence and trust in the
sector. There is a need for simple, coordinated and
well-disseminated messages. The message should focus
on the importance of being prepared and on mitigation
instead of containment.

It is important to find a balance between the right
preventive measures and encouraging travel.

The responsibility of staying informed falls on three
levels: personal, country towards its citizens and
destination towards tourists.

It is very important to have access to reliable information.
Latest technologies must be used to share information
and avoid duplication.

Dr. Guénaël Rodier, Director, International
Health Regulations Coordination, WHO,
presenting the findings of his roundtable
at the plenary.
There is a need for more cooperation between health
authorities and travel operators in terms of exchange of information.

For a sector as labour intensive as the tourism sector, work absenteeism due to illness has
serious consequences on business continuity. Shortage of staff is a big challenge for the

It is difficult to distinguish between the effects of the economic crisis and the pandemic,
as they are simultaneously affecting the sector.

Travel cancellations in the future might be triggered by people’s fear of illness while on

Cooperation between authorities within the country is often insufficient.

The following points were raised by the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNWTO. They are listed here
to offer those who were not present at the event an insight into the discussions that took place.

During the roundtable discussions, concerns were raised that the simple use of the term
“pandemic” is not to be recommended as it is often associated with a scenario different
to the current mild virus.

Media reporting and the role it plays in travellers’ perceptions. At the early stages of
the outbreak, media reporting caused panic as it was seen by travel cancellations and

Other affected areas by the virus were not as negatively affected as Mexico as they
received less media attention.

The role of media attention, or lack of it, can create concern or complacency among
travellers. There is concern that the public won’t pay attention or would overreact to the
second wave (crisis fatigue). Avian flu, as it doesn’t receive much attention anymore, is to
some extent forgotten in the public opinion.

As the virus has spread more widely, people express less concern related to travel.

Staying healthy while travelling should be a general concern and should be stressed
beyond the H1N1 pandemic.

The pandemic must be treated as a health issue and should not be used as a political
tool. WHO is the main authority on the subject, but national guidelines are the ones that
should be followed.

Measures taken by countries differ considerably, which makes the effect of the disease to
vary significantly among them. Consistency is key: one procedure should apply to all.

The travel and tourism industry’s responsibilities include the dissemination of information,
enforcement of an audit system and implementation of basic hygiene rules.

Lessons learned from Avian Flu
preparedness should be applied to
the current pandemic. Preparation
plans are available (IATA, WHO-
guidelines etc).

Travel organizations should
communicate the measures taken
widely so that they send a reassuring
message to the public. Measures
taken by health and travel authorities
(screening, etc.) can cause a certain
burden for travellers but it can also
give passengers confidence that
the industry cares about the issues.
Although WHO does not consider certain measures effective and reliable to detect illness

(e.g. thermal scanners), these can build confidence among travellers.
Tour operators/travel providers cannot handle the pressures of the pandemic-related costs
and ensure the safety of the travellers. Some insurance companies have included clauses
to exempt H1N1 from coverage.

Mr. Andreas Müseler, Vice-Chairman, Tour Operators’
Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development, raising
a point from a tour operators’ perspective.

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

According to some statistics the number of travellers has decreased. Some travellers have
had to undergo quarantines during travels to Asia and South America.

Improvements can be seen on three different levels:

Governments: a more consolidated approach to the issue is needed and a better
understanding of the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005).

Travellers: should abide by health advice and be prepared for certain measures.

Private sector: sharing of information is crucial with the public sector. The sector should
continue to send out reassuring messages while continuing its preparations.

Second Roundtable Session


Roundtables on key challenges for the travel and tourism sector in the months to come.


Identifying the assumptions and challenges for the months to come.

Main Questions

On what assumptions is your government/organization/company currently basing its actions
for the next wave of the pandemic?

The following assumptions were addressed:
Severity of the virus
Morbidity rate
Mortality rate
Duration of the pandemic
Timeline for vaccine readiness
Rate of absenteeism
Based on these assumptions, the participants were asked to identify the key challenges facing

the travel and tourism sector from the perspectives of travel behaviour patterns, the political

and ethical dimension and operational challenges and business continuity.

Points raised by the participants*

Travel behaviour patterns
Assuming that a second wave will reach its peak in the northern hemisphere in November, the
participants suggested the following scenario for the purposes of their discussion:
Low severity of virus
High level of perception among travellers
Medium/high morbidity rate
Low mortality

The following points were raised by the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNWTO. They are listed here
to offer those who were not present at the event an insight into the discussions that took place.

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The role of the media and the
perceptions that it creates among
travellers will play a major role in
people’s travel behaviour in the
months to come.

The healthcare system at the
destination might become a decisive
factor in deciding whether or not to
travel, as travellers want to ensure
that they are well taken care of in
case they fall ill abroad.

Communication strategies will play a

Mr. Leslie Vella, Director of Marketing of Malta Tourism
Authority, presenting the findings of his roundtable at
the plenary.
decisive role as travellers would want
to have reliable, timely and transparent information readily available for them.

Different forms of travel are expected to be affected differently:

Leisure travel: people might want to stay home or close to home so they might choose
to travel domestically. A higher impact might be noticed on family travel.

Business travel might be reduced to the necessary minimum.

Visiting family and friends: people might be more relaxed.
Travellers generally perceive a higher risk when travelling by planes and cruise ships as
they are seen as confined places.

Given the uncertainty surrounding the
pandemic, late booking is expected to
increase as people tend to postpone
decisions regarding travel.

Reliability of travel operations and
proper communications will be
crucial during the second wave of the

The southern hemisphere might be
perceived as “low risk” destinations
in the northern hemisphere’s winter

B. Political and ethical dimension
Due to lack of information, participants found it difficult to determine the assumptions
about the second wave.

Complacency and crisis fatigue are expected as the pandemic stops making media

Travel advisories are very damaging to the industry. Countries should only revert to them
after consultations between the industry and the health authorities.

Dr. Monica Li from the Risk and Crisis Management
Section of UNWTO facilitating a roundtable.

Travellers have a right to reliable and
trustworthy information before, during
and after a trip, as well as access to
health services at their destination.

There are many factors that affect
tourism. Challenges caused by the
pandemic are only second to the
current economic crisis that has been
affecting the sector.

Tourism can be seen as an income
generator to finance health.

The practical implementation of the
IHR is a challenge as some grey areas exist. Health and tourism roles must be clearly

Insurance coverage must be addressed to cover cases of cancellations, obtaining medical
attention abroad and involuntary prolonged stays.

Fast and sincere reporting by destinations on the situation at hand is very helpful and
should be encouraged despite fears of repercussions on tourism and travel.

Messages and actions are constantly changing as the situation develops. This builds up
more uncertainty. Messages should reach everyone and care should be taken in order to
avoid misinterpretation. Messages must be simple and honest.

C. Operational challenges and business continuity
Assumptions should be considered on the characteristics of the virus and of people’s
perceptions of it.

Mr. Melvyn Skipp, Public Health Manager of Carnival
UK, presenting the findings of his roundtable at the
The number of companies that actually
have business continuity plans is
unknown and expected to be quite
limited. Nevertheless, businesses
should be prepared and have plans in

Preparedness plans and guidelines
have to be flexible in order to respond
to change, as the situation continues
to evolve.

The issue of staff shortages is decisive
for business continuity in the travel

Ms. Stella Mnimatidou from the Hellenic Civil Aviation
Authority and Ms. Zoritsa Urosevic, Executive Secretary
of the Business Council of UNWTO.
and tourism sector. Cross training
can be considered to deal with increased absenteeism rates due to the pandemic. Some
essential tasks, however, cannot be easily substituted as in the case of airline pilots.


Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Travel and tourism businesses should
determine the minimum number of
staff necessary for safety and business
continuity reasons.

Some measures such as social
distancing, used to limit the impact
of the virus, might be difficult to be
implemented by the tourism industry.

The issue of travelling while being
sick was discussed. Whether it should
be left up to the traveller’s personal

Roundtable on operational challenges and business
responsibility or whether countries
should implement official guidelines and recommendations.

Third Roundtable Session


Roundtables on strategies and actions to help limit the impact of this pandemic on the travel
and tourism sector and travellers.


Identifying from a public and private
sector’s perspective strategies and actions
that help limit the impact on the travel and
tourism sector and travellers.

Main Questions

What strategies and actions can be
recommended to help limit the impact?

Especially in view of:
Responsible (recovery) marketing.
Effectiveness and feasibility.

Points raised by the participants*:

RoundtablesMr. Francis Albani from the Parliamentary Secretariat
for Tourism of Malta and Ms. Araceli Cal from the
Association of European Airlines.
Given the high degree of uncertainty
surrounding this pandemic, there
is an urgent need for coherent
contingency plans and access to
reliable information.

From a marketing perspective,
destinations should highlight
normality but at the same time
provide transparent and factual health
information to travellers in order to
build confidence and trust. Social
media campaigns can be launched
using webcams, personal reports and
user opinions.

Responsibilities and duty of care were highlighted. Practical information should be
provided for travellers at their destinations, preferably in different languages, on how to

The following points were raised by the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNWTO. They are listed here
to offer those who were not present at the event an insight into the discussions that took place.
Ms. Sandra Carvao, Deputy Chief of the Market Trends,
Competitiveness and Trade in Tourism Section,

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

and where to seek health assistance if they fall sick. Roaming messages and SMS-services
can be used for this purpose.

Agreements with insurance companies must be revised to ensure that the unforeseen
costs relating to the pandemic are not exempted from coverage.

To ensure business continuity, protocols, training, back-up plans, and agreements with
local authorities need to be developed. This is especially the case for small and medium
sized establishments. There is an urgent need for cooperation and sharing of information
on valid and up-to-date pandemic and business continuity plans.

Linkages between relevant existing networks should be strengthened and cooperation
between businesses put in place. This could be done by identifying key partners at all
levels (national, international, public-private) and establish two-way-communications
between them.

Fast and sincere reporting from destinations as well as trustworthy and reliable
communications are very important and should be encouraged.

Experts should ensure that their messages are easy to understand by the general public.
Tourists need to be informed prior to travelling, while at their destination and if and when
someone falls sick.

It was suggested that UNWTO should
build a group similar to TERN to
include the public sector and to divide
it according to regions for distribution
and sharing of information in a
defined system.

The need to have a common message
among the industry persists, as well
as to giving regional and sector
differences a consideration.

The sector should be ready to provide
facts and figures. It should make

Mr. Iain Bald, Officer of the Humanitarian Affairs
and Information Management, UN Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
proper use of the latest technologies
in communicating and learn to adapt to the new communication trends. SOS.travel
provides an ideal platform for this purpose.

Suggestion to UNWTO to narrow down its data base to the right contact person in order
to avoid information overload and repetitions.

There is a need for determining the right flow of information in a systematic approach.
Providing true and balanced information to the public and following WHO’s and national
recommendations is essential.

The importance of close collaborations especially between Ministries of Health and
Ministries of Tourism was highlighted.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The purpose of this exercise was to reassess, re-envision and reinvigorate the sector’s response
to the challenges presented by the H1N1 pandemic. The recommendations and conclusions
which were reached at this workshop are important for the tourism sector but also for other
social and economic activities depending on travel and tourism.

Nowadays, travel and tourism is a widespread social and global phenomenon that affects
many more sectors than when the last pandemic occurred, more than 40 years ago. Thus, even
if the virus continues to be as mild as it currently is, when combined with the economic crisis
and the next wave of the pandemic, the sector will have to deal with more challenges in terms
of business continuity. The sector, therefore, needs to stay vigilant and monitor the situation

Drawing from the rich discussions of this workshop, the following points were highlighted,
which should help the sector in further improving the management of this situation.

There was a wide consensus that travel
restrictions and border closures are not
to be recommended. The participants
coincided with the assessment of the
World Health Organization (WHO) on
this issue. Such restrictions would have
little or no effect on containing the spread
of the virus, which is virtually present in
all countries of the world, but would carry
with it enormous economic and societal

The need to increase preparedness was
constantly pointed out. It seems that the
predominantly mild character of the virus so far has caused complacency in several
subsectors. The lessons learned from the extensive preparedness work for a possible
Avian Flu (H5N1) Pandemic have benefitted the sector at large in its initial coordination
and communication efforts facing the H1N1 pandemic. However, as a second wave of
the pandemic is expected to commence, coinciding with the beginning of the flu season
during the Northern Hemisphere’s autumn, countries are expected to face new and
different challenges especially in terms of numbers of affected persons and businesses. It
is therefore essential to use the available time to prepare as best as possible.

The cases studied and discussed at the workshop underlined that determined, transparent,
consistent and timely action by health administrations had been beneficial for the travel
and tourism sector. Responsibility and credibility paired with balanced information are
cornerstones of a successful management of pandemic challenges.

The need for regular and timely exchange of information both at the horizontal level, e.g.
across health and tourism officials, and at the vertical level, e.g. national and regional
administrations, is important to reduce the uncertainty while planning and acting
and to guarantee the relevance of actions. As new H1N1 virus-related information is
emerging constantly and as we are dealing with a highly communicative issue, two-

Conclusions and RecommendationsDr. Dirk Glaesser, Chief, Risk and Crisis
Management Section, UNWTO

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

way communications, through telephone or video conferences, prove to be very efficient
for communication and coordination. In this regard, participants welcomed the regular
exchanges within the Tourism Emergency Response Network (TERN) convened by

As vaccines for certain segments of countries’ populations are only expected to be
available towards the end of the year, it is necessary to consider additional methods
relating to business continuity, to minimize the impact of the pandemic on the sector. The
discussions extensively touched upon plans addressing both operational feasibility and
personal protection for guests and personnel. Some guidelines for hotels and restaurants,
in which practical steps are described, are now available on www.unwto.org/rcm.

Countries can minimize the impacts of the Pandemic, especially when tourism is pivotal
for their economies, by including crucial functions of the travel and tourism sector among
priority groups in their vaccination plans. As many destinations are heavily depending
on air and sea transport, crucial functions to maintain those services should be added to
those lists.

It was felt that certain segments of the
sector are affected more than others.
Among these are business travellers and
Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and
Exhibitions (MICE) tourism.

Inconsistencies, especially when affecting
personal freedoms as in the case of
quarantines, are very likely to attract
media’s attention. They have a detrimental
impact on the travel and tourism sector
and need to be avoided by all means.

Participants stressed that travellers should
be responsible. Travellers should – in
line with the recommendations of WHO – remain vigilant about their own health, stay
informed and follow fundamental hygiene precautionary measures such as frequent hand
washing and proper cough etiquette. Calling upon the responsibility of the traveller is
important and serves the interest of everyone.

As one of the main factors that travellers take into account when deciding on a trip relates
to the attention that they would receive if they fall ill due to the influenza A(H1N1) virus
while abroad, it was highlighted that procedures and help lines used to communicate
with travellers and used by them to receive assistance when falling sick should be easily
accessible for them and clear for all those involved in the process.

It was also emphasised that travellers should ensure that their travel insurance will cover
unforeseen flu-related expenses in the event they fall sick away from home. Travellers
should take medical advice in the event they experience flu symptoms immediately
before, during or after a trip.

Marketing efforts should send messages of normality without downplaying the pandemic.
The exercise showed clearly that there is neither need nor place for panic.

This review and preparation exercise is just another step in the line of continuous preparedness
efforts. The travel and tourism sector should continue with its preparations and do its utmost
to help limit the negative impacts of this Pandemic.

Prof. Geoffrey Lipman, Assistant Secretary-
General, UNWTO.

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic
(H1N1) 2009 – Today and Tomorrow

Dr. Guénaël Rodier

Director, International Health Regulations Coordination, WHO

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

© 2009 World Tourism Organization – ISBN 978-92-844-1331-7

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 –
Today and Tomorrow

The Employment Perspective

Mr. Donato Kiniger-Passigli

Senior Specialist, Strategic Partnerships and Crisis Response Coordination, ILO

The Employment Perspective
© 2009 World Tourism Organization – ISBN 978-92-844-1331-7

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Employment Perspective

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Employment Perspective

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Employment Perspective

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

The Employment Perspective

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Preliminary Conclusions
Avoid panic ....
Plan ahead to protect businesses and workers (adhering to ILO ....
Make use of our guidance for business continuity....
Organize simulation / training events and dedicated awareness ....
Inform the public with timely advice and consistent messages ....
Preliminary Conclusions
Avoid panic ....
Plan ahead to protect businesses and workers (adhering to ILO ....
Make use of our guidance for business continuity....
Organize simulation / training events and dedicated awareness ....
Inform the public with timely advice and consistent messages ....
The Employment Perspective

Economic Impact Scenarios of the
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009

Ms. Nancy Cockerell

Policy Advisor, WTTC

Economic Impact Scenarios of the Pandemic (H1N1)

© 2009 World Tourism Organization – ISBN 978-92-844-1331-7

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Economic Impact Scenarios of the Pandemic (H1N1)

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Economic Impact Scenarios of the Pandemic (H1N1)

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Economic Impact Scenarios of the Pandemic (H1N1)

Communication Challenges: How to Keep the
Balance Between Warning and Assuring Messages?

Dr. Gaya Gamhewage

Team Leader, Corporate Communications, WHO

Communication Challenges: How to Keep the Balance
Between Warning and Assuring Messages?

© 2009 World Tourism Organization – ISBN 978-92-844-1331-7

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Communication Challenges: How to Keep the Balance
Between Warning and Assuring Messages?

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Communication Challenges: How to Keep the Balance
Between Warning and Assuring Messages?

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Communication Challenges: How to Keep the Balance
Between Warning and Assuring Messages?

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Communication Challenges: How to Keep the Balance
Between Warning and Assuring Messages?

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Communication Challenges: How to Keep the Balance
Between Warning and Assuring Messages?

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Communication Challenges: How to Keep the Balance
Between Warning and Assuring Messages?

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Communication Challenges: How to Keep the Balance
Between Warning and Assuring Messages?

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Communication Challenges: How to Keep the Balance
Between Warning and Assuring Messages?

Conference Programme

26 August 2009

08:30 – 09:00 Registration of participants
09:00 – 09:20 Opening
Dr. Taleb Rifai, UNWTO Secretary-General a.i.
Dr. David Nabarro, UN System Influenza Coordinator via video address
09:20 – 10:30 The Framework
The Rapidly Changing Situation of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 – Today and
Dr. Guénaël Rodier, Director, International Health Regulations, WHO
Travel and Tourism in Perspective
Prof. Geoffrey Lipman, Assistant Secretary-General, UNWTO
Framework and Goals of the Exercise
Dr. Dirk Glaesser, Chief, Risk and Crisis Management, UNWTO
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 12:00 Roundtables on experiences and lessons learned from the first wave:
Country Experiences: How was Travel and Tourism Affected, Addressed and
Dealt with?
Sector Experience: What are the Experiences from Transportation,
Accommodation, Recreation and Entertainment, Tour Operators and Travel
Agents, Travel Services?
12:00 – 13:00 Conclusions of the roundtables: Reports and debate
13:00 – 14:30 Business lunch
14:30 – 15:30 Presentations on key challenges for the travel and tourism sector in the
months to come
The Employment Perspective
Mr. Donato Kiniger-Passigli, Senior Specialist, Strategic Partnerships and Crisis
Response Coordination, ILO
Economic Impact Scenarios of the Pandemic (H1N1) 2009
Ms. Nancy Cockerell, Policy Advisor, WTTC
Communication Challenges: How to Keep the Balance Between Warning
and Assuring Messages?
Dr. Gaya Gamhewage, Team Leader, Corporate Communications, WHO

Conference Programme

© 2009 World Tourism Organization – ISBN 978-92-844-1331-7

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

15:30 – 15:45 Coffee break
15:45 – 16:45 Discussion
16:45 – 17:00 Closing remarks
20:00 Departure of the bus for technical visit of S!lk & Soya
Restaurant services under pandemic circumstances, a systematic approach
(Place: Av. de la Ermita esquina Av. Olímpica – Alcobendas, Madrid)
Followed by dinner
23:00 Return of the bus to UNWTO headquarters

27 August 2009

09:00 – 10:30
Roundtables on key challenges for the travel and tourism sector in the
months to come
Travel Behaviour Patterns
Political and Ethical Dimension
Operational Challenges and Business Continuity

10:30 – 10:45
Coffee break
10:45 – 12:00
Conclusions of the roundtables: Reports and debate
12:00 – 13:30
Business lunch
13:30 – 14:45
Roundtables on strategies and actions to help limit the impact on the travel
and tourism sector and travellers
A public sector perspective
A private sector perspective

14:45 – 15:00
Coffee break
15:00 – 16:00
Conclusions of the roundtables: Presentation and debate
16:00 – 16:30
Conclusions and next steps
16:00 – 16:15
Summary of the review and preparation exercise and next steps
Dr. Dirk Glaesser, Chief, Risk and Crisis Management, UNWTO

16:15 – 16:30
Prof. Geoffrey Lipman, Assistant Secretary-General, UNWTO

28 August 2009

10:00 – 11:00
Media Breakfast



Bosnia and Herzagovina




Czech Republic




List of Participants

Head of Tourism Standard Department
Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports

Aggregate of Trade and Tourism
Embassy of Andorra in Spain

H.E. Ms. Željana ZOVKO
Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Spain
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Spain
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Spain

Mr. Stanislav NOVAKOV
Deputy Chairman
Bulgarian State Agency for Tourism

Political Advisor
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Spain

Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Spain
Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Spain
Administrative Officer
Cyprus Tourism Organization

Senior Officer
Ministry of Transport

Tourism Counsellor
Egypt Tourist Office in Spain

Mr. Jacques AUGUSTIN
Deputy Director of Tourism
Ministry of Economy, Industry and Employment

Deputy Chairman, Department of Tourism and Resorts
Ministry of Economic Development

List of Participants

© 2009 World Tourism Organization – ISBN 978-92-844-1331-7

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

Germany Ms. Andrea ASSMANN
Third Secretary
Embassy of Germany in Spain
Greece Ms. Stella MNIMATIDOU
Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority
Ireland Ms. Joanne MURPHY
Marketing Executive
Tourism Ireland
Kazakhstan H.E. Mr. Temirkhan DOSMUKHAMBETOV
Minister of Tourism and Sports
Ministry of Tourism and Sports
Malta Mr. Francis ALBANI
Deputy Permanent Representative of Malta to UNWTO
Parliamentary Secretariat for Tourism
Mr. Leslie VELLA
Director of Marketing
Malta Tourism Authority
Monaco Mr. Jean-José BERTANI
Director of Responsible Tourism
Government Tourist Authority
Netherlands Mr. Björn DUYS
Embassy of the Royal Netherlands in Spain
Mr. Daniel KOOIJ
Second Secretary, Political Affairs
Embassy of the Royal Netherlands in Spain
Poland Ms. Agata WITOSLAWSKA
Director of the Polish Tourist Office
Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Spain
Portugal Ms. Rosário TORRES COSTA
Director and Coordinator
Portugal Tourist Board
Romania Mr. Alexandru-Bogdan IOSIF
Romanian National Tourism Office in Spain
Sao Tome and Principe Ms. Mirian Solange BARROSO DAIO
Director of Tourism and Hotelary
Tourism and Hotelary Authority
Serbia Ms. Danijela PETKOVIC
Associate on the NTOS Project on Pandemic Influenza
National Tourism Organization

Spain Ms. Ana Cristina GOZALO AUSIN
Chief of International Relations Tourspain,
Institute of Tourism of Spain
Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce
Chief of Market Research Tourspain,
Institute of Tourism of Spain
Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce
Embassy of Sudan in Spain
Embassy of Sudan in Spain
Tunisia Ms. Wahida JAID
Deputy Director
Tunisian National Tourism
Embassy of Tunisia in Spain
Unites States of America Ms. Amy DOVE
Economic Officer
Embassy of the Unites States of America in Spain
United Nations Agencies
International Labour
Organization (ILO)
Senior Specialist
Strategic Partnerships and Crisis Response Coordination
UN Office for the
Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Mr. Iain BALD
Humanitarian Affairs and Information Management
World Health Organization
Dr. Guénaël RODIER
International Health Regulations Coordination
Team Leader
Corporate Communications

List of Participants

© 2009 World Tourism Organization – ISBN 978-92-844-1331-7

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions

International Organizations/Associations/Specialized Institutions

Association for
Quality in Leisure
Mr. Dionisio LARA
President (Spain)
Association of
European Airlines (AEA)
Chief of Health Services of Iberia Airlines (Spain)
Ms. Araceli CAL
Manager of Technical Operations (Belgium)
Association of Hotel
Chains of the Manager
Balearic Islands
Business Association
of Hotels in Benidorm andthe Costa Blanca (HOSBEC)
Director (Spain)
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC)
Ms. Kelly HOLTON
Team Leader of Traveler’s Health Communication
and Education (USA)
Egyptian Hotel
Association (EHA)
Secretary-General (Egypt)
European Center for
Diseaese Prevention
and Control (ECDC)
Expert in Preparedness and Response Unit
Federation of
Tour Operations (IFTO)
Ms. Angela HILLS
Head of Health, Safety and Operations
(United Kingdom)
Katowice School
of Economics (GWSH)
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Tourism and Health
Pacific Asia Travel
Association (PATA)
Ms. Marion BUTTLER
Regional Director of Europe (Germany)
Skal International Mr. James POWER
Secretary-General (Spain)
Spanish Center
for New Professions (CENP)
Ms. Mercedes CARREÑO
Director E.U. Tourism (Spain)
Spanish Confederation
of Hotels and Tourist
Establishment (CEHAT)
Dr. Sebastián CRESPÍ
Health and Safety Advisor (Spain)
Tour Operators’
Initiative for SustainableTourism Development (TOI)
Mr. Andreas MÜSELER
Vice-Chairman (Germany)
World Association for Professional
Training in Tourism (AMFORT)
Secretary-General (Spain)

World Travel and
Tourism Council (WTTC)
Policy Advisor (United Kingdom)
Other Participants
Independent Consultant (Spain)
Carnival UK Mr. Melvyn SKIPP
Public Health Manager (England)
eXCellennium Mr. Andreu RAYA-DEMIDOFF
Director (Spain)
Silk and Soya Mr. Antonio SORIA
Director (Spain)
UNWTO Secretariat
Dr. Taleb RIFAI
Secretary-General a.i.
Prof. Geoffrey LIPMAN
Assistant Secretary-General
Chief, Risk and Crisis Management
Ms. Sandra CARVAO
Deputy Chief, Market Trends, Competitiveness
and Trade in Tourism
Chief, Cultural, Social and Ethical Aspects of
Ms. Zoritsa UROSEVIC
Executive Secretary, Business Council
Ms. Cora-Fee DAHMEN
Ms. Katharina HOLZFUSS
Ms. Ana ILIC
Dr. Monica LI
Ms. Krystel OBAÑA
Ms. Hannah WIRTZ

List of Participants

© 2009 World Tourism Organization – ISBN 978-92-844-1331-7

Annex 1 –
Background Information and Key Terms


Influenza viruses are grouped into three types, designated A, B, and C.

Of greatest concern are the influenza A viruses. They have characteristics that make
influenza A one of the most worrisome of all the well established infectious diseases.
These viruses mutate much more rapidly than type B viruses, and this gives them great
flexibility. In addition to humans, they infect pigs, horses, sea mammals, and birds.

As a result of their unique features, influenza A viruses regularly cause seasonal epidemics
in humans that take a heavy toll in morbidity and excess mortality, especially when
pneumonia is a complication. At recurring yet unpredictable intervals, influenza A viruses
cause pandemics.

Scientists describe these viruses as sloppy, capricious, and promiscuous. Their labile and
unpredictable nature is notorious. As they lack a proof-reading mechanism, the small
errors that occur when the virus copies itself are left undetected and uncorrected. As a
result, influenza A viruses undergo constant stepwise changes in their genetic make-up.
This strategy, known as antigenic drift, works well as a short-term survival tactic for the
virus: the speed with which slight variations develop keeps populations susceptible to

Influenza viruses circulate year-round in tropical and subtropical areas.

Regular epidemics are rare but recurring events because flu viruses frequently make
small changes in viral proteins (antigens) recognized by the human immune system.
Consequently, a person’s immune-system response that combats influenza one year
provides incomplete protection to next year. Occasionally, a human influenza virus
appears that contains large antigenic changes.

Worldwide pandemic containment or mitigation usually consist of three main factors:
vaccination, travel restrictions, therapeutic and prophylactic use of AV drugs.

Additional strategies consider non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as quarantine,
early isolation of infectious individuals, school and workplace closures.

(Sources: WHO, PLoS Medicine)

Key terms

Avian (or bird) Flu AI Caused by influenza viruses that occur naturally among wild birds. Low pathogenic AI
is common in birds and causes few problems. H5N1 is highly pathogenic, deadly to
domestic fowl and can be transmitted from birds to humans, with no human immunity
and no vaccine available.
Domestic tourism Residents of the given country travelling only within this country.

Travel and Tourism under Pandemic Conditions
Epidemic An epidemic is the occurrence in a community or a region of cases of an illness,
specific health-related behaviour or other healthrelated events clearly in excess of
normal expectancy.
Inbound tourism Non-residents travelling in the given country.
Incidence rate The probability of developing a particular disease during a given period of time; the
numerator is the number of new cases during the specified time period and the
denominator is the population at risk during the period.
Infection rate Percentage of the population from which a specific infectious pathogen is isolated.
Morbidity rate The number of cases of a given disease occurring in a specified period per unit of
population. An inexact term that can mean either the incidence rate or the prevalence
Mortality rate /
case fatality rate
Is the ratio of the number of deaths from a given disease to the total number of cases
of that disease.
Outbound tourism Residents travelling in another country.
Pandemic A pandemic is an epidemic occurring worldwide or over a wide area crossing
international boundaries, and affecting a large number of people. The WHO global
influenza preparedness plan includes six phases in a pandemic scale, divided into
three periods: the interpandemic period, the pandemic alert period, and the pandemic
period. (These phases are defined in order to propose a framework for pandemic
preparedness planning activities; the proposed phases may not all be detectable in
Pandemic influenza At unpredictable intervals, due to the segmented nature of the influenza virus
genome, circulating human influenza virus A strains also can acquire new genes from
an avian or other animal influenza virus. If the reassortant virus can efficiently spread
into the human population, a worldwide pandemic can occur, as was the case in 1918,
1957 and 1968.
Prevalence rate The number of people in a population who have a disease at a given time: the
numerator is the number of existing cases of disease at a specified time and the
denominator is the total population.
Quarantine The restriction of the movement of healthy persons who have been exposed to a
suspected or confirmed case of infection with a highly communicable disease during
the likely infectious period.
Resident A resident has lived for most of the past year in that country or he has lived in that
country for a shorter period and intents to return within 12 months to live in that
Seasonal Flu A respiratory illness that can be transmitted person to person; most people have
some immunity, and a vaccine is available.
Secondary attack rate Reflects the risk of someone being infected with a disease by an ill close contact (for
example, a family member, classmate or coworker).
A range of community-based measures to reduce contact between people (e.g.
closing schools or prohibiting large gatherings). Community-based measures may
also be complemented by adoption of individual behaviours to increase the distance
between people in daily life at the worksite or in other locations.
Tourist A visitor who stays at least one night in a collective or private accommodation in the
country or place visited.
Visitor Any person travelling to a place other than that of his/her usual environment for less
than 12 months and whose main purpose of the trip is other than the exercise of an
activity remunerated from within the place visited. The term visitor is further divided
into the two categories “tourists (overnight visitors)” and “same-dayvisitors”.
Epidemic An epidemic is the occurrence in a community or a region of cases of an illness,
specific health-related behaviour or other healthrelated events clearly in excess of
normal expectancy.
Inbound tourism Non-residents travelling in the given country.
Incidence rate The probability of developing a particular disease during a given period of time; the
numerator is the number of new cases during the specified time period and the
denominator is the population at risk during the period.
Infection rate Percentage of the population from which a specific infectious pathogen is isolated.
Morbidity rate The number of cases of a given disease occurring in a specified period per unit of
population. An inexact term that can mean either the incidence rate or the prevalence
Mortality rate /
case fatality rate
Is the ratio of the number of deaths from a given disease to the total number of cases
of that disease.
Outbound tourism Residents travelling in another country.
Pandemic A pandemic is an epidemic occurring worldwide or over a wide area crossing
international boundaries, and affecting a large number of people. The WHO global
influenza preparedness plan includes six phases in a pandemic scale, divided into
three periods: the interpandemic period, the pandemic alert period, and the pandemic
period. (These phases are defined in order to propose a framework for pandemic
preparedness planning activities; the proposed phases may not all be detectable in
Pandemic influenza At unpredictable intervals, due to the segmented nature of the influenza virus
genome, circulating human influenza virus A strains also can acquire new genes from
an avian or other animal influenza virus. If the reassortant virus can efficiently spread
into the human population, a worldwide pandemic can occur, as was the case in 1918,
1957 and 1968.
Prevalence rate The number of people in a population who have a disease at a given time: the
numerator is the number of existing cases of disease at a specified time and the
denominator is the total population.
Quarantine The restriction of the movement of healthy persons who have been exposed to a
suspected or confirmed case of infection with a highly communicable disease during
the likely infectious period.
Resident A resident has lived for most of the past year in that country or he has lived in that
country for a shorter period and intents to return within 12 months to live in that
Seasonal Flu A respiratory illness that can be transmitted person to person; most people have
some immunity, and a vaccine is available.
Secondary attack rate Reflects the risk of someone being infected with a disease by an ill close contact (for
example, a family member, classmate or coworker).
A range of community-based measures to reduce contact between people (e.g.
closing schools or prohibiting large gatherings). Community-based measures may
also be complemented by adoption of individual behaviours to increase the distance
between people in daily life at the worksite or in other locations.
Tourist A visitor who stays at least one night in a collective or private accommodation in the
country or place visited.
Visitor Any person travelling to a place other than that of his/her usual environment for less
than 12 months and whose main purpose of the trip is other than the exercise of an
activity remunerated from within the place visited. The term visitor is further divided
into the two categories “tourists (overnight visitors)” and “same-dayvisitors”.

Lessons from the three pandemics of the last century

Pandemics behave as unpredictably as the viruses that cause them. During the previous
century, great variations were seen in mortality, severity of illness, and patterns of
One consistent feature important for preparedness planning is the rapid surge in the
number of cases

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